In this module, we developed the skills to study and replect on key research principles and methods based on the scientific method which is relevant to various disciplines. We acquired skills to examine different research strategies and designs applicable to our projects and enhance our research competencies particulary in data collection and analysis, to critically design and evaluate research.
Module Outcomes
1. Appraise the professional, legal, social, cultural and ethical issues that affect computing professional.
2.Appaise the principles of academic investigation, applying them to research topic in the applicable computing field.
3.Evaluate critically existing literature, research design and methodology for the chosen topic, including data analysis processes.
4.Produce and evaluate critically a research proposal for the chosen topic.
Reflective Activity 1 - Ethics in Computing in the age of Generative AI: Project Failure Study
In this discussion, we read the paper by Correa et al (2023) and then discuss how countries across the world should deal with the generative AI revolution and what actions should be taken.
Collaborative Learning Discussion 1
Inorder to carryout research, there is a need to understand the Code of ethics and Professional Conduct. This was well covered in our first unit 1. We were required to choose a case study from the examples provided by Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) .
I chose a case study, Medical implants, and our discussion was based on the application of ethics code in this case study
Reflective Activity 2
This activity focused on inappropriate use of surveys, the case study was on Cambrodge Analytica that obtained and share data from millions users on facebook. .
We discussed other examples of inappropriate use of surveys and highlight the impact of these from the ethical, social, legal and professional standpoints
Summary Measurements Worksheet
In this module, we discussed various quantitative methods and tested how to use these tools in excel and how to intepret the results. In this section we looked at how to use tools like COUNT, AVERAGE, STANDARD DEVIATION, MEDIAN AND QUARTILES.
Hypothesis Testing Worksheet
Contuning our discussion in Qualitative analysis, we discussed the hypothesis testing. We worked on various exercises where we used excel do The Related Samples T-Test and The independent Samples T - Test. We intepreted the results in the various exercises that were carried out .
Charts Worksheet
In this module experimented the use os various charts to present data. In this section we tested the use of Bar Charts and Histograms in excel
Collaboration Learning Discussion 2
This collaboration discussion was a case study on accuracy of information. We are presented with a case of Abi, a researcher at an institute and also a statistical programmer. Abi has received a project from a manufacturer to review the nutritional value of a new cereal, Whizzz. Having collected the necessary data, he now needs to perform the appropriate analyses and print the reports for him to send to the manufacturer. Unfortunately, the data Abi has collected seems to refute the claim that Whizzz is nutritious, and, in fact, they may indicate that Whizzz is harmful.
Abi also realises that some other correlations could be performed that would cast Whizzz in a more favourable light. “After all,” he thinks, “I can use statistics to support either side of any issue.
The outcome of this discussion is to enable us to:
Appraise the professional, legal, social, cultural and ethical issues that affect computing professionals.
Evaluate critically existing literature, research design and methodology for the chosen topic, including data analysis processes.