Module Artefacts

In this module, there were various activities that we carried out as part of practical exercise for secure software development in order to help us develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

There have been two collaborative discussions which we will show in this section that were designed to help us discusss topics and show critical thinking in the process. There were also codio activities which exposed us to the actual coding environment to allow us test the code.

  • Exploring Python tools and features
  • The Producer-Consumer Mechanism
  • What is a Secure Programming Language?
  • Collaborative Discussion 1: UML flowchart
  • Programming language concepts
  • Regex, ReDos and Evil Regex
  • Equivalence Testing in Python
  • Exploring the Cyclomatic Complexity’s Relevance Today
  • What is an Ontology?
  • Codio: Exploring a simple Python shell
  • Codio: Developing an API for a Distributed Environment
  • Collaborative Discussion 2: Cryptography case study: TrueCrypt
  • Faceted Data


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